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Singapore Diaries - Part Three

Last updated: 10th October 2024

Rhys Mackenzie

Day 1

Everyone arrived on the first day excited and ready to start the course. The tutors were all there to greet the students and started getting to know them straight away. Once we were all checked in, we did a tour around the campus and then went for a meal at a lovely Italian restaurant. Then it was swiftly off to bed so that we were ready for the first day of teaching.


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Day 2 

Our first day of lessons! The students had a seminar in the morning where they were introduced to the subject and what they would be doing for the duration of the course. This was then followed by a plagiarism and essay writing workshop in the afternoon.

In the evening, we went to The Clementi Mall which boasts a food hall with over 50 different eateries. The students had a chance to get dinner and have a wander round.

Day 3

Day 3! And straight back into their seminars. Today the tutors began to expand pass the basics of the subject and set essay questions for the students. 

In the afternoon the tutors delivered a fantastic professional development workshop and announced that the workshop for the following day would be Dragons Den!

In the evening we had dinner on campus and then took a local bus to the bowling alley and found out we have some budding bowling champs.


Day 4

Day 4, essay writing and Dragons Den!

In the morning the students began to write their essays under the supervision of the tutors.

Then, in the afternoon the students had to prepare for Dragons Den. They took this very seriously; creating presentations, spreadsheets and fully rounded arguments as to why their idea was the best. The tutor’s were overawed by the effort and determination that the students put in!

We then finished the day off with a lovely dinner on campus and a quiz.

Day 5 

In the morning the students were given some time to finish their essays. 

Once completed, we then took the Metro (MRT) to Marina bay where we had lunch in the food court and looked around two of the most amazing exhibits at the ArtScience museum.

We then moved onto the Gardens by the Bay, which included a trip up the Marina Bay Sands viewing tower to watch the sunset and light shows. It was spectacular! We then finished the day off with some free time around the shopping centre and a bite to eat before heading back to the National University of Singapore. What a day! 


Day 6

The morning was spent consolidating everything we had learned that week.

Each student had an individual tutorial with their tutors who gave them detailed feedback on their essays. They also participated in a ten-minute mock university interview, where the students were asked a variety of questions which they might encounter in a real university interview.

Then it was onto Graduation!

The students received their certificates and prizes were awarded for best Dragons Den team, best speaker and the winning quiz team. Followed by refreshments, music and lots of pictures, we then ended the day by taking the MRT to Holland Village for a final meal.


Day 7

The final day. After participating in a great Q and A session with the tutors about university applications, it was then sadly time to bid farewell. 

Everyone had a great time in Singapore, and the days flew by so quickly! We can't wait to do it all over again next year and create even more amazing memories.

And if you want to see even more amazing photos from the student's time here, then head to our Instagram!

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About the author

Rhys Mackenzie is the Website Marketing Manager at Oxford Summer Courses. With extensive experience in SEO and digital content management, they are passionate about showcasing the best that Oxford has to offer. Their previous role at Experience Oxfordshire gave them a deep appreciation for the city's unique cultural and academic offerings. Learn more about Rhys here.

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Students arrived, had seminars, workshops, and explored Singapore. They wrote essays, prepared for Dragons Den, and visited attractions like ArtScience Museum and Gardens by the Bay. Tutorials, mock interviews, and graduation followed.

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