How Can I Prepare Now to Become a Doctor?

Last updated: Nov 26, 2024
Rhys Mackenzie
Medical stethoscope

For those looking to better prepare themselves or a career in Medicine, we’ve put together a short guide for different ages to encourage you to explore the opportunities available to you and help enhance your position as you move towards university and beyond with a career in medicine.

What’s Included in an Oxford Summer Course?

Our tailored summer courses for ages 9-24 include all teaching and academic content, accommodation, meals (including Friday night formal dinners), a prize-giving ceremony, all-day trips and activities, airport transfers, access to Oxford Summer Courses Foundations, travel and medical insurance, and a welcome pack. Apply now to secure your spot in one of our comprehensive summer courses.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Doctor?

Unsurprisingly, the road to becoming a doctor takes a significant amount of time and commitment. Being a doctor is a highly prestigious career, mainly due to the level of expertise and technical skills which the career demands.

More specifically, your secondary school years are critical in obtaining the qualifications needed to get into university. In the UK, most universities will ask for your GCSE grades, as well as your A-Level subjects and grades. Typically, most UK unversities require:

  • Seven GCSEs, including the sciences, with five subjects at grades 9 to 7 (A* or A) and English and Maths at least grade 6 to 5 (B)
  • Three A-Levels at grade A in Chemistry and either Biology, Physics or Maths, plus another academic subject.

These subjects are studied in secondary school and sixth form or college, which, in the UK is usually between the ages of 13-17. After this, you most students then embark on their university education, which, for UK medicine courses, is a 5 year degree.

Once this initial five-year degree is complete, you will be a registered junior doctor and can begin working on general wards with training alongside. In order to become fully qualified in your dream specialism, you will then need to complete the following:

  • A two-year foundation course of general training
  • Two to three years of core medical training (CMT) or Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) programme
  • Four to seven years of specialist training, depending on your chosen area of medicine.

Find out more about the requirements needed to study medicine and become a doctor.


Medical Summer School, UK

Reserch has found that by the age of seven, most children have a “realistic” rather than “fantasy” aspirations about what occupations they want to pursue in the future.

Evidence like this suggests that thinking about careers with children of that age will help them shape their future education. In other words, for many students aged between 9-12 years-old, now is the time for them to explore and discover their passion! And what better way to pursue and delve into an interest in Medicine than at a Medical summer school in the UK for students aged between 9-12?

We also offer courses in medicine for 13-15 year olds, 16-17 year olds and 18-24 year olds across a varying stages of your career in medicine. Not only will your Medicine summer course encompass the university learning experience, but it will also give you insight into what it may be like to study away from home and possibly, in a different country with courses in top UK university cities.

View all of our our Medical Summer School, UK

It’s also a chance to meet new friends from around the world, who are all as passionate as they are about learning and finding out more about Medicine here in the UK. It’s a truly supportive and enriching experience, perfect for fostering creativity and encouraging students to think more about their opportunities in the future.


Speaking to Medical professionals

Where you can, you should try to speak to experienced Medical professionals to learn more about what it’s like to study and work in the field of medicine from someone who has experienced it for themselves. Ask your parents and friends if they know anyone who would be willing to have a conversation with you about their role. If you can’t find anyone who works in the medical field, then try looking on YouTube for interviews with professionals, or find out more about the subject via some expert Ted talks.

Going Beyond Your Learning

This passion too, can include rading, watching and listening to medicine-related features - anything that can enhance your knowledge and give you more insight into the subject. Universities will often favour those who are committed to learning and show an interest in the subject outside of school, demonstrating their commitment to becoming a doctor.

View our UK Medical summer school for ages 16-17, available in Oxford and Cambridge.


Enhance your CV

Beyond looking at career options, you can also spend your university years looking for ways to enhance your CV for when you begin looking for jobs. As an example, you could look at embarking on a research project or getting some further work experience beyond your general studies. This could be in a physical location, such as a care home, or remotely, working for a helpline offering support or guidance. Anything you can do to demonstrate your compassion and commitment to helping others will greatly benefit your CV and help you secure the best possible post-graduate opportunities.

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About the author

Rhys Mackenzie is the Website Marketing Manager at Oxford Summer Courses. With extensive experience in SEO and digital content management, they are passionate about showcasing the best that Oxford has to offer. Their previous role at Experience Oxfordshire gave them a deep appreciation for the city's unique cultural and academic offerings. Learn more about Rhys here.

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Explore a career in medicine with Oxford Summer Courses. From ages 9 to 24, discover opportunities, requirements, and our medical summer school. Meet professionals, go beyond learning, enhance your CV.