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What are the Benefits of Online Tutoring?

The demand for online tutoring has recently sky-rocketed, with more and more students looking for access to quality online learning experiences.

We recently launched our new online tutoring programme with our sister company, Melio Education. Melio’s online tutoring allows students to connect one-on-one with an expert from wherever they are in the world, receive tailored support in a subject of their choice, at a level and pace that suits their learning needs.

To find out more about the benefits of online tutoring, take a look at the rest of our blog below.

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  1. Flexibility With one-on-one online tutoring, there’s a lot more flexibility in scheduling your learning sessions.

You only need to schedule the time to fit in around you and your tutor’s availability, rather than all your other classmate’s schedules. That means, studying at a time that’s convenient for you, and isn’t squeezed in amongst your other commitments – helping you to make the most out of your online learning experience.

  1. Tailored tuition Possibly one of the greatest advantages of online tutoring is the personalised learning environment. As it’s only you and your tutor in the sessions, it means that the syllabus can be curated to what you want to learn about, as well as focus in on any subject areas which you may feel weaker in.

  2. One-on-one support As already mentioned, your online tutoring is only between you and your tutor. This means that you have their full attention throughout the session, giving you constant access to their help and feedback.

Unlike online classes, you’ll be able to ask questions in real time and work through difficult subject matter there and then, rather than having to wait for an opportunity to ask any questions.


  1. Expert tuition, wherever you are The beauty of online learning is that it allows you to eliminate any geographical constraints and connect with expert tutors from anywhere in the world.

For us and our online learning platform, it means connecting you with the very best tutors from Oxford and Cambridge, no matter where you are. So you can experience an Oxford education without needing to leave the comfort of home.

  1. Learning at your own pace One-on-one online tutoring removes the pressure to keep up with the pace of other students, which you may experience in a physical classroom environment. It also means that you don’t need to wait for other students to get to grips with learning material before you are able to move onto the next topic.

The learning is between you and your tutor, and you can study at a pace that suits you.

6 Easily accessible Online tutoring only requires you, your computer and a good Wi-Fi connection. Unlike in-person private tuition, where you, or your tutor may need to travel, and then find a designated study space where you can avoid interruptions, it’s very easy to do.

There are so many easy online technologies available nowadays, and it’s never been easier to get online and get connected to others.

  1. Synchronous tutoring Our online learning platform, Melio, uses synchronous tutoring. This means that all online tutoring sessions happen in real-time, through online video call.

For you, this means being able to work through subject matter together, using the tutorial method of teaching to help you delve deeper into topics and gain a 360 degree view of your subject. Your tutor is available to answer questions you may have, as well as provide you with feedback and relevant research surrounding your subject.

Unlike asynchronous tutoring which relies heavily on you doing offline coursework and communicating via email, you’re actively engaged in your learning, which has been shown to help improve academic performance.

  1. Tutorial learning As mentioned above, our tutors use the renowned Oxford tutorial method in their online tutoring sessions.

This involves critically analysing subject matter and dissecting it in detail to help you gain a deeper understanding of it. It also involves debating matter between you and your tutor, allowing you to fully grasp concepts, backed by evidence and theories, as well as gain a rounded view of your subject.

This tutorial style of learning is commonly referred to as the most effective way to learn, as well as to help students develop critical skills that are popular amongst


  1. Focus on a subject that interests you The great thing about online tutoring is that there are a whole variety of subjects available to choose from, so you can study something that interests you and your learning wishes.

From the core subjects such as Mathematics and Physics, to university-style subjects like Law and Medicine, our online tutoring programme caters to a whole range of subject interests.

  1. Variety of learning packages Unlike your online classes scheduled by school, online tutoring gives you the option to control how much (or how little) tuition you need.

Our sister company and online tutoring platform, Melio, offers a range of tutorial packages. You can choose from 10, 20, 30 or 60 hours of tuition, depending on how much teaching you want and need.

So, whether you want 10 hours of a university-style subject to see if you may want to pursue it in the future, or a 60 hours package with core subjects to get you ahead academically, there’s always plenty of online tutoring packages available to suit you.

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Online tutoring is booming! Our programme with Melio Education offers flexible scheduling, tailored tuition, one-on-one support, expert tutors worldwide, personalised pace, easy accessibility, synchronous tutoring, tutorial learning, subject variety, and customisable packages.

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Oxford Summer Courses is an organisation which contracts with the colleges of the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London for the use of facilities, but which has no formal connection with the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London.
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