Narnia's Oxford: Exploring C.S. Lewis' Inspiration

As we remember the birthday anniversary of the celebrated author C.S. Lewis (b. November 29th, 1898), it’s fascinating to contemplate how the city of Oxford influenced his literary legacy. Best known for The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis Narnia stories continue to enchant readers worldwide, transporting them to a realm of magic, wisdom, and adventure.
Oxford, with its historic colleges, cobblestone streets, and grand libraries, played a pivotal role in shaping Narnia C.S. Lewis envisioned. His experiences walking through the city’s medieval alleyways, engaging in literary discussions with fellow writers, and drawing inspiration from Oxford’s unique atmosphere helped bring Narnia’s landscapes to life.
Playwrights, authors, and poets who have lived here, amongst its dreaming spires, have described its happenings in various states of reality, providing a virtual tour of this city’s lanes and lodgings, with factual and fictional anecdotes. From the colleges where C.S. Lewis lectured to the pubs where he met with fellow literary minds, Oxford continues to be a place of inspiration for storytellers.
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Our tailored summer courses for ages 9-24 include all teaching and academic content, accommodation, meals (including Friday night formal dinners), a prize-giving ceremony, all-day trips and activities, airport transfers, access to Oxford Summer Courses Foundations, travel and medical insurance, and a welcome pack. Apply now to secure your spot in one of our comprehensive summer courses.
From the connection of the fantasy world of Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland to Christ Church College, to centuries-old pubs where famous writers used to meet, the invented and true histories of literary Oxford, the myths and legends associated with those who lived here, are part of this city's remarkable identity and heritage.
By the mid-20th century, C.S. Lewis had reached the ranks of various literary behemoths of Oxford, while being most well-known for his illustration of The Chronicles of Narnia, which has sold over 100 million copies worldwide, with the most famous being The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
But how did this historic city of academia establish such a long-lasting impact on C.S. Lewis as a literary giant? How did it lead him to create a fantastical masterpiece that has entertained generations after him?
C. S. Lewis in Oxford
Despite being born in Ireland, Lewis attended a preparatory school in Malvern, Worcestershire, which developed in him a fascination for European mythology and the occult.
Lewis joined the University of Oxford in 1917, where he studied Classics and English at University College. However, shortly after joining, he enlisted in the Officers’ Training Corps at the University and was shipped as part of the British Army to France to fight in the First World War.
As the war came near its end, upon his return to Oxford in 1920, Lewis’ academic talents began to shine through. He achieved top marks in all his examinations, earning a First in Honour Moderations (Greek and Latin literature), one in Greats (Philosophy and Ancient History) in 1922, and his final First in English in 1923.
Shortly after finishing his finals, Lewis was appointed as a Philosophy Tutor at University College, a position he held for just one year before being elected as a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Magdalen College in 1925. Enthralled by his role, writing, and the academic inspirations of Oxford, Lewis served in this position for 29 years.
His academic career made him not only a novelist but also an essayist, poet, and theologian. Lewis had a mercurial relationship with Christianity in his earlier life, but he later became a firm Christian apologist. The resemblance of the lion, Aslan’s story, for example, to the life of Christ, demonstrates Lewis making Christian themes such as the sins and redemption of humanity accessible to a young audience.
During his time in the city, he also became great friends with another author, J.R.R. Tolkien. The pair became close friends, forming a group of famous Oxford writers known as ‘the Inklings.’ Tolkien had a huge influence over Lewis’ work, especially on themes of redemption and religion. It is said that the two could often be seen huddling over Christian texts or Middle Earth manuscripts in the Eagle and Child Pub on St. Giles Street!
How Oxford Influenced C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia
During the early to mid-twentieth century, C.S. Lewis and his fellow Inklings (which included Tolkien, Nevill Coghill, Lord David Cecil, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield, and Warren Lewis) would regularly meet at the famous Eagle and Child Pub on St. Giles Street to read each other’s writing, discuss modern and classical literature, and share ideas on religion, theory, and modern politics to influence their work.
Between them, the group were unknowingly re-inventing the fantasy genre, revitalising the way we perceive and read medieval literature today. And C.S. Lewis, in particular, really drew on the influence of the city around him to transform Oxford into a fantastical portal to other marvellous worlds.
His world-famous literary creation The Chronicles of Narnia can be seen all over the city of Oxford, where he allegedly drew on the centuries-old buildings, monuments, and cobblestone streets to create an extraordinary world of fantasy.
Lewis enters our topographical mythology most prominently in St. Mary’s Passage, just off the High Street. The story goes that Lewis burst out of the western doors of St. Mary’s Church on a cold winter's night, where he purportedly had his own rooms, and indeed where he gave the war-time sermon “The Weight of Glory.”
It was here, while pausing to catch his breath on a cold winter’s night, that he came face to face with a certain door which leads into Brasenose College. The image of which formed the elements for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
As you can see from the inset photographs, the door centrepiece features a maned, lion-like face carved into the wood, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the Aslan we are familiar with.
The side of the door frame is flanked by two faun gargoyles - part human and part goat - who play the flute and guard the intricate animal wood carving. In the first book, we’re introduced to fauns as the servants of Aslan. In particular, the faun, Mr. Tumnus, is the first creature that Lucy encounters upon entering Narnia.
Slightly further ahead to the right, marking the entrance to the beautiful Radcliffe Square, there stands a solitary lamp post. As we know from the books, the lamp post is the marker which leads us into the world of Narnia from our reality and also is used as the beacon to lead the characters back home.
These elements, as the legend would have it, spawned the creation of Narnia, and some of the prominent features of its most famous book. The lamp post, for example, marks the entrance to the magical kingdom, while Aslan, the Lion and arguably its deity, and Mr. Tumnus, is the friendly faun who helps Lucy Pevensie, one of the child protagonists.
Is the speculation true? Who knows. There are, after all, many lamp posts and lion symbols dotted in and around the city. But, to see it all encompassed within the ethereal setting of Radcliffe Square, it seems too coincidental (and beautifully placed), to feel like there’s some truth in the speculation.
“This is the land of Narnia,' said the Faun, 'where we are now; all that lies between the lamp-post and the great castle of Cair Paravel on the eastern sea.”
Inspiring Our Students in Oxford, Just as C. S. Lewis Was
The city of Oxford and its dreaming spires have been inspiring world-famous authors like C.S. Lewis and his fellow creatives for centuries. We want our students to cherish the same magical experience when they join us for a summer course.
As part of Oxford Summer Courses, we visit multiple interesting sites, both literary and historical. Whether it be the Bodleian Library or the Great Hall of Christ Church which were used as settings for the Harry Potter films, or the ‘x marks the spot’ site on Broad Street where the Oxford martyrs were burnt at the stake in 1555, our students undertake the best tours while they are with us. Not to forget Oxford’s famous ‘Bill Spectre’s Ghost Tour’– a thrilling and theatrical night-time walk tour filled with some of the city's spookier legends!
Of course, no literary trip around Oxford would be complete without a visit to the famous Eagle and Child pub (age-appropriate of course!) Here, students can view a handwritten note pinned above the fireplace which reads; “the undersigned, having just partaken of your ham, have drunk to your health.” The note is signed by the famous Inklings group.
Study Creative Writing in Oxford
Seek inspiration in the same historic city that inspired C.S. Lewis’ Narnia with a Creative Writing summer course in the prestigious city of Oxford.
You would be taught by one of our acclaimed tutors - each one of them being an acclaimed writer in their own right - who will push your creative ideas to the next level.
Just like the Inklings would dissect and share ideas with one another to produce the best possible work, you and your fellow students would also be completing a series of creative writing exercises, followed by discussions, workshops, and reading exercises to teach you how to finesse your writing craft, help find your voice - ultimately equipping you with all the necessary tools and techniques to write a bestseller.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How did Oxford influence C.S. Lewis' writing?
Oxford’s historical and architectural beauty, combined with its vibrant intellectual community, provided Lewis with a rich source of inspiration for his works, particularly The Chronicles of Narnia. The city's landscapes and iconic structures influenced many elements of Narnia.
What is the significance of the Eagle and Child Pub?
The Eagle and Child Pub was a regular meeting place for Lewis and his literary group, the Inklings. They would gather here to discuss literature, share their writings, and exchange ideas. The pub remains a historic site for literary enthusiasts visiting Oxford.
Can students visit the sites that inspired C.S. Lewis in Oxford?
Yes, students can visit many of the sites that inspired Lewis, including St. Mary’s Passage, Radcliffe Square, and the Eagle and Child Pub. These locations offer a glimpse into the environment that influenced his creative process.
What will I learn in the Creative Writing summer course?
In the Creative Writing summer course, you will learn how to develop your writing style, create compelling narratives, and refine your writing through workshops and exercises. You will receive feedback from experienced tutors and engage with fellow students to enhance your creative skills.
Is the Creative Writing course suitable for beginners?
Yes, the Creative Writing course is designed for students of all levels. Whether you are a beginner or have some writing experience, the course will help you develop your skills and find your unique voice as a writer.
C.S. Lewis’ imaginative world of Narnia was profoundly influenced by the city of Oxford, its architecture, and its vibrant intellectual community. By exploring these inspirations, students can gain a deeper appreciation for Lewis’ work and find their own creative spark. Join our Creative Writing summer course and immerse yourself in the historic city that inspired one of the greatest literary minds.
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About the author
Rhys Mackenzie is the Website Marketing Manager at Oxford Summer Courses. With extensive experience in SEO and digital content management, they are passionate about showcasing the best that Oxford has to offer. Their previous role at Experience Oxfordshire gave them a deep appreciation for the city's unique cultural and academic offerings. Learn more about Rhys here.
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Explore C.S. Lewis' Oxford, where literature comes alive. From Lewis' connection to the city to the Inklings' meetings at the Eagle and Child Pub, discover the inspirations behind The Chronicles of Narnia. Join a creative writing course in Oxford to unlock your own storytelling magic.